Friday 11 May 2012

Chocolate Friday: Raw Chocolate Cheesecake!

Oh MY oh my oh my, what a long time it's been between posts... So sorry for my continued absence from the virtual realm. As Kundera said, Life is elsewhere...

Today was the kind of day that inspired a bit of cooking, or should I say, chocolate alchemy. For this is no ordinary cheesecake, this is a completely vegan, wheat-free, raw cheesecake. And what's more, it's not one of your fancy all-you-can-eat cashews affair as (a) I don't believe in making everything with nuts and (b) I'm not that keen on them in the first place. Oh, and (c) there were none in the cupboard and this was the kind of day that I just HAD to make something out of what was in my cupboard!

And it had to be good, oh so good. And chocolatey. Very much so.

So here we are - tada! I literally threw this together and everything is approximate measures, so please feel free to be equally lax and experimental :)

3/4 cup whole almonds, finely ground (or, if you want to be totally nut-free, try using coconut)
3/4 cup buckwheaties, roughly ground
2 tbsp cacao powder
1 tbsp maca powder (optional)
1/4 cup rapadura sugar, ground finely or about 2 tbsp xylitol - or whatever you prefer
Tiny pinch crystal salt
1/2 cup cacao butter, melted

Mix all the dry ingredients together then add in the cacao butter to make a dough, and press firmly into the base of a springform flan case. Chill in the fridge while you make the filling.

1/2 cup chia seeds, just covered in water
Juice of 1 orange
1/2 cup dried coconut, finely ground
1/2 banana
1/2 cup cacao powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbsp agave syrup

Add the orange juice to the wet chia seeds and mix well. Leave to soak for about an hour. Then liquidise the banana, chia mixture and coconut till smooth. Finally add the cacao, vanilla and agave and process till completely incorporated. Spoon over chilled base and return to the fridge to set.

1/2 cup coconut oil, melted
1/2 cup cacao powder
2 tbsp agave syrup

Mix all together well and spoon over the chilled cheesecake base.


Want to know more about the ingredients? Check them out at the Raw Living store, where you will learn just what maca powder can do for your hormones and why chia seeds really are a superfood!

1 comment:

  1. Droool. "Not so keen on nuts"? Lol. xx


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