Thursday, 10 February 2011

Hello World (The Anti-Blogger Blogs)

I am the original anti-blogger. A bit of an anti-social luddite at heart I have never taken to blogging, either following or leading. So nobody could be more surprised than me to find myself, well, here.

2011 started for me with an unusual conviction to actually follow through some resolutions, the foremost being to be more positive, energetic, confident, sociable and industrious. As a result I suddenly find myself with one billion projects, ideas, thoughts and minutiae whirring round and round my head, and so what better way to focus my attentions than by recording it all here?

At school I loved to write and dreamed of making it my career, though never as a journalist - a profession which I held very low views of. Now we are all journalists and as I enter my 30s proper I suddenly find I have an awful lot to say about the world - and in fact that most of it is very different to much of what is already out there. This, with a growing self confidence and indignance which both come naturally with age, compels me to share my views for better or worst.

So hello world, I hope you're ready for me ;P


  1. Haha, you sound like me! My husband has been telling me to get a blog for at least a year, and I resisted and resisted. Boy am I glad I have one now - I LOVE blogging!

    Love your intro bit about dreams.

    Thanks for stopping by Dreaming Aloud and leaving a comment. Love the look of this blog- bed now but will have a deeper look another time.

  2. Thanks :) I have so much more in the pipeline but with two tiny ones there never seems enough time!

    I love your writing. You are so candid about the difficulties we mums end up facing, and it's such a breath of fresh air!



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